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White Flowers


Your local church is here for you from the moment a loved one become seriously ill, to support you through those early days of bereavement, to help plan their funeral and for as long as you need us afterwards. The Church of England is in every community, and has been helping people mark the end of life for generations.

Losing a loved one is painful whatever we believe or don't believe. We are here for you during this sad time and for as long as you would like us to be.  Talk to your funeral director if you would like a church funeral service.  There are lots of ways of personalising a church funeral service to celebrate the life of your loved one 


Our churchyard is also open for burials and the interment of ashes for local residents and those who have links with St Katharine's.  Contact us for more details.  If you want to look at our churchyard regulations, they can be found here.

If you have lost a loved one recently we are here to support you whether you are having the funeral service with us or not.  Contact the Revd Sarah Todd on 07534 720160.

Here is a prayer you may like to pray.

God of love

your Son Jesus was moved to tears

at the grave of his friend.

Comfort us in our loss;

give to our troubled hearts the light of hope

and strengthen in us the gift of faith,

in Jesus Christ our Lord.

All   Amen.



Light a virtual candle for your
loved one by clicking on the picture above

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