Whilst we believe that God will provide for our needs, we rely on giving from our church family to continue our ministry here in Matson. We don't receive any money from the Government and rely on grants and charitable giving. We are so grateful to everyone who give financially and also to those who give so freely of their time and talents. If you would like to give to ensure our ministry in Matson can continue, then check out below to find out how to do so.
Thank you for considering giving a donation
Your donation will help us to keep the building open and running smoothly, keeping our buildings warm and safe for members of the community who use it. It also allows us and other churches in our area to continue existing projects and develop new ones that focus on outreach and supporting our wonderful community. If you'd like to find out where you money goes, donate towards a specific project or give in non financial ways then please get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We know that times are hard for everyone at the moment, so please don't feel you need to give more than what you have. Even the smallest donations can make a huge difference.
To give a one off financial gift, you could use BACS. Our details are
Sort Code: 60-09-02
Account Number: 05026172
Please use the reference: GIFT
If you would like to give more regularly, or in another way, please contact the office on 01452 524173 or visit the Parish Giving Scheme website by clicking here.
Thank you!
Brian Rees (Treasurer)