Christians believe that we are called to live in a way that worships God. Worship helps us to recognise who God really is and opens our hearts to what is good. Worship helps us to have direction and place our lives, our stories within God's story
Worship at St Katharine's
Sunday Worship at St Katharine's
Christians believe it is important to gather together as the family of God to worship on Sundays and also on other days of the week. At St Katharine's, we love to gather together on a Sunday morning in our beautiful church which has been at the heart of our community for many years. When we do, we celebrate all that God is and all God has done for us. We give thanks that we are part of God’s family, loved, accepted and safe in God’s care. We sing well loved hymns, read the Bible and listen to a sermon or talk. We share communion at God’s table using words from the Church of England Common Worship book. We pray for ourselves, for those we love and for the needs of the world and would love to pray for you too. However worship and prayer carries on as we leave the building and go back out into the world.
Sunday morning services in St Katharine's begin at 1000 and alternate between Holy Communion (1st and 3rd Sundays) and Morning Prayer (2nd and 4th Sundays). All ages are welcome and on the 3rd Sunday of the month there are special activities for families and refreshments served after the service.
You can still worship at home on a Sunday at 1030 online with our friends at St Barnabas on the Stroud Road. Visit our Facebook Page to get connected.
Open Church and Churchyard
The church building is open in the day to provide a quiet space away from the busy world to pray or find some peace. The church is open between 9am- 5pm and all are welcome.
Digital Worship, Prayer and Fellowship
Visit our Facebook Page for digital worship, prayer and other resources to keep us touch 24/7. Did you know that you can ask Alexa to help you pray and explore faith? Click on the video to find out more!